Feeding the Hungry
Windsor Adopt-A-Family Each week we collect donations of food and personal care items during our offering time. These donations are given to a family in need in the Windsor School District. We work with the school counselors who provide general information about the family while ensuring the family remains anonymous. Then bags of donated items are given to the counselor for distribution to the family. Rock donates to a family each month. At Thanksgiving and Christmas extra donations and money are collected to make a basket for a Windsor family so they will be able to enjoy a special dinner, including a turkey or ham with all the trimmings. Brenden's Friday Backpack Program Donations are collected to give to the Backpack Program which helps feed school children on the weekends. Over 700 children are recipients of the food donated by Rock and other organizations. This program was started by Rock's member, Vicki Tamboli. Souper Bowl of Caring Canned goods are collected on Super Bowl Sunday, helping to fight hunger. Goods collected are then donated to food pantries in our community. Rock is well aware of the many families who are poor and homeless in Jefferson County. We try to follow the encouragement of Jesus Christ when he said, " "for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink........Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me." Matthew 25 Mitten Tree As the weather gets cold in winter, we gather mittens, hats, and scarfs for the children in the Windsor School District. Valentine Tree In February, we collect socks and underwear for the children in the Windsor School District. |